Amazing strawberry cake
Required time: a hour
2 sponge-cakes
1 tea-spoon of gelatin
3 creamy strawberry yogurt packs
1 lemon
4 table-spoon of powdered sugar
1 table-spoon of berry syrup
some strawberry
2 pouches of strawberry jelly.
Let's go shake-shake
1. Get wet gelatin, adding 3 table-spoon of water and wait until it swell, then melt it using water bath.
2. Put a sponge-cake into baking cup and imbue it with syrup dissolved in 1 table-spoon of water.
3. Mix yogurt, bulging gelatin, lemon peel, lemon juice and powdered sugar.
4. Cut to bits the second sponge-cake and lay bits upon sponge-cake sodden in baking cup.
5. Fill up baking cup with yogurt cream.
6. Put it in fridge till coagulate and preparing jelly (use reference on it's pouch, we need molten jelly for the next step)
7. Take out our cake from fridge and face it with strawberry. Fill up cake with prepared jelly and put it in fridge again until complete consolidation.
Bon appetit!
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